Determinants of Enterprise Preference of Cassava-based farmers by Gender in Southeast, Nigeria
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Published: 17 October 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
The study aimed to assess the determinants of enterprise preference of cassava-based farmers by gender in southeast Nigeria. Multi-stage sampling technique involving purposive, random and proportionate to size sampling procedures was adopted in the selection of five hundred and twenty (520) value chain actors in the area out of which 480 questionnaire were found usable and hence used for further analysis. Primary data were collected using focus group discussion, questionnaire alongside personal observation and key informant interviews. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistical tools such as percentages, means, charts and frequency distribution and multinomial logistic regression technique. Result of the multinomial logistic regression analysis showed that for all the value chain actors (garri and fufu) the Likelihood ratio of the chi2 value were significant at 1% statistical level, which implies that the slope coefficients of the parameter estimates were statistically different from zero. Also the pseudo R2 value for all the actors in the study is an indication of good fit and the correctness of the estimated model. From the result, key determinants of the choice of enterprise in male garri value chain were marital status, educational attainment and experience in business while in female income from other sources determines the choice. Key determinants of the choice of enterprise in male fufu value chain were education attainment, experience in business and other income while in female it is other income.
Keywords: Cassava-based farmers, Determinants, Enterprise, Gender, Preference, Southeast-Nigeria.

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How to Cite
Osuji M.N, Mejeha R.O, Simonyan J.B, Gbolagun A.S .. (2018-10-17). "Determinants of Enterprise Preference of Cassava-based farmers by Gender in Southeast, Nigeria." *Volume 2*, 4, 45-52